Hello! My name is Kewei Li. Currently I am studying for a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Graduation planned for June 2025) at China University of Petroleum (East China) under the supervision of Prof. Lijun Zhang. I am an integrated undergraduate student (completed my undergraduate and master’s degree from freshman to senior year) with a GPA of 3.6. I have a strong interest in vibroacoustics and am working on elastic wave simulation of anisotropic materials, with the aim of completing digital twins for industrialized troubleshooting. Currently, I have published one SCI Q1 (one by my supervisor and two by me). I am looking for a PhD supervisor, if you are interested in me, please contact me! I would like to receive some level of training prior to enrollment to ensure that I have problem solving skills when I enroll.

📫 How to reach me: koveylee@gmail.com737082326@qq.com

❤ Interest

🎓 Education

🛠 Skills

📕 Research Papers


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